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A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur

Jan 22, 2018

Episode 184- Takoda Madrona: Discussing his new show “Double Blown
Takoda was born in Vermont,  went to school in Arizona and Hawaii, and returned to Vermont in 2009. He completed high school in Hawaii and then two years of community college before becoming a full time glassblowing instructor. 

Jan 12, 2018

Episode 183- J.D. Maplesden returns to discuss his film  "Vagabong:The American Pipe Dream"

Follow the journey of J.D. Maplesden as he shares the stories and passion of an ever growing community of glass artists pushing the boundries of the glass pipe.

Jan 7, 2018

Hey everyone. Wanted to touch base and say hello and kick off the new year. Stay tuned for upcoming shows and announcements, as well as don’t forget to check out our sponsors.
For any comments or questions hit me up at
Happy melting and will talk soon!