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A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur

Sep 28, 2019

Episode 4 with Joaquín Herrera, director and co-producer of “Pipe Town USA” coming soon!!!!! Give him and myself a follow to stay up to date with @ #PipetownUSA funded by @lefrancisstudios & @elimazet | Story idea by Eli, & @nezua | Shot, Directed, Edited by @blazingheartproductions | Starring Eli Mazet,...

Sep 14, 2019

Welcome to: A Glassblowers Companion- Episode 3.

 This episode features highlights from two separate interviews featuring Attorney Luke Zimmerman esq. The first half mainly focuses on cannabis laws and IP ( intellectual property) and the second half focuses more on trademark and copyright laws. He will be returning for...