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A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur

Jan 27, 2022

This week I sit down in the virtual studio and chat with Financial Life Planner and CPA Ginger Ames about the importance of saving for the future. You can contact Ginger at and sign up for a free one on one chat that she offers on Thursdays. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to get...

Nov 22, 2016

J.D. Maplesden shares his journey from his humble beginnings as a glass artist to where he is now. From Vagabon to Vagabong...

Vagabong trailer




Sep 23, 2016

Episode 126 "Best of featuring Bob Harley Dawg...Yes ..thats his real name..


hiw is the heck are you?   Hope you enjoy this best of.. Bob is a wealth of knowledge and shares why integrity and leading by example are imperative in today's world of business .  Here's the link to The Arribas Borthers where I am...

Jan 9, 2016

Standard opening episode 72
I'm excited as always to bring you chats with artist sharing stories and inspiring well helping you grow your business 
Today is the first episode of our new Q and a segment where I've scan the pages of social media for questions and issues pertaining to areas of glassblowing. Today we...