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A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur

Jun 25, 2016

Episode 19- Judeh Judeah-  Co-owner of Dragon Headz SmokeShop

In this episode Judeh and I discuss the spects iif being a professional artist. Judeh gives his perspecttive as a shop owner on what he looks for in an artist from the moment you walk in his store to the point of sale.





Jason Boatwright
over seven years ago

As of 8-10-17 Judeh Judeh half owner of dragon headz has blatantly avoided paying me $1580.03 for the custom fabricated shelves he hired me to do. Judeh Judeh ignores my calls and texts he has not paid me a penny, I have a thousand dollars in materials alone not including my labor costs. This is what he has done to me, if anybody wants proof of this please contact me I'll gladly provide..