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A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur

Aug 12, 2016

Episode 120- Talking Dragons with Mike Luna 
What's going on?? Thanks for tuning in and continuing to follow the show.  This was a great conversation with one Mike Luna, someone who's work I have personally admired for close to a decade. Currently Mike is known for his line of dragons but when you dive into Mikes glass past he has a wide variety of work in his portfolio. We discuss his beginnings, what inspires his work as well as discussing his techniques used as he applies color and creates his masterpieces.  Hope you enjoy this fun chat with Mike Luna. 
Hello! My name is Michael Luna, I was born in Torrence, CA in 1978. I was raised in Santa Fe Springs CA up until I was 15 then I moved to O'brien Oregon to start High School at Illinois Valley High. After high school in 1996 I moved back to Los Angeles where I work in automotive retail.
By this time my older brother (Chris) had already started his journey of glassblowing. He would tell me on the phone how cool it was! So fast forward to 1999 when I get a phone call from Chris, he said "hey bro, wanna job" I dropped my whole life and moved back to Oregon. I worked in a production shop ran by a guy named Gilbert Velosco (still friends till this day) throughout the time I was there I made friends with a soon to be legend, Darby Holm. Darby took me under his wing and started to apprentice me in about 2000. learning under Darby changed my life! He and the Holms are like family to me. Well, I'm still in Oregon constantly learning and trying different things with glass. 
@mikeluna300 on instagram