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A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur

Sep 25, 2017

Episode 174-(Best of) Micah Evans..Making Waves in an Ocean of Glass......

This was a great conversation with Micah. His portfolio spans across the medium of glass pushing every possible element that he has worked with or run into. From his humble beginnings in Washington to becoming the first glass artist to receive a residency at Penland College to Teaching pipe techs at Corning Micah has revolutionized concepts in glass and contiunes to push the medium. Currently he resides with a group of talented artists at St. Elmos Fire Studio in Austin, Texas where the likes of SALT and others work. his pipes can be fund online at or his personal aork can be found at

hope you all enjoy this episode.


"My work is a combination of things I want to make and things I cannot help but make. I started working with glass almost exclusively as a medium in the late 90’s. I spent the better part of a decade trying to gain the skill set to speak the material fluently. My goal for this residency is to refine the content of my work. To expose myself to new materials and processes that will expand my vocabulary as a maker.
My current work revolves around the hidden craft traditions within my family. From the constant quilting of my mother in the evenings to the story telling of my father around the campfire, my most cherished memories of my family involve making and creativity. These new bodies of work honors those past traditions and explore how they still drive me today." -Micah Evans


Born 1975-

1996-97- art institute of Seattle, 3D animation major

1999- flame working apprenticeship, stone way glass Seattle, Lance Sanford

Move to Florida 2000, Jacksonville Beach-. Start Lucid visions glass studio with Lance and Josh

2006 move to Miami- work at university of Miami, studio assistant for established artist, pivotal point in career

2008 move to Austin- meet Luken aka Salt

2012 Penland- assist Carmen Lozar, teach and apply for residency

2013- begin Penland Residency